New Single Out on Spotify Now

Want to relive the NASA experiment on innocent spiders from the comfort of your own home?

Enjoy our new single, “Getting Spiders High”, now out on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, You Tube Music.

Mad Life Crisis is an energetic ska/punk band from Berlin!

If punk is dead, we bring the energy from beyond the grave and pick it up!

Old ska/reggae and 90s garage and punk sounds mix with other classic rock influences for a mad time.

We play creamy covers and creamed-corny originals.

Wild At Heart – Berlin

September 4th 2024

We are stoked to play at one of the most punk places here in one of the world’s most punk cities!

Wild at Heart is a countercultural cornerstone nested in the Kreuzberg neighbourhood of Berlin, with a rock n roll atmosphere and well-priced drinks.

Come join us for the Wild Wednesday event and participate in this legendary show!

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